Hello there,
More corrections on the Super Kit for Raspberry Pi Model B . I kind of like this rather "hacky" kit and its faulty lessons. How boring could it be if things worked as expected :-)
At least they have you tube lessons which helps a lot, not perfectly, to find the bugs. This is my post about the corrections on the PDF Lesson 8 — How to Drive a DC Motor (even in youtube is lesson 09, there are things you can not fix ;-) )
The three mistakes that I found are:
1. Connect power to pin 1 at 3.3V in the raspberry pi. Not to the 5V as shown in the "schematics".
2. R1 = 220 ohms not 1K as defined in the PDF docs, also in the schematic is not clear where to place them.
3. Important to connect pin 6 GND to the lower ground rail of the bread board. It is not intuitive as that rail should be ground already coming from the power adapter, however the circuit on 3.3V may not be closed until connecting this pin correctly.
That is all for now, I will commit soon the JAVA version of this exercise in the sunfounder-raspi-4j repository.
Here are some photos about my set up I hope it helps to fix issues.
For full details about how to set up your Raspberry Pi and how to run these exercises please check out my old post Raspberri Pi with Pi4j and Junit testing mockups. Or leave me a comment if you have any issue or question.
I hope this helps,
Posted by Marc Andreu.
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